Now every individual can understand thier own personal map to thier present and past emotional and physical suffering in thier lives and the reasons why they may have been hindered on thier path to happiness.
To reach real happiness you must first liberate yourself, not from Pain but from your relationship with Pain.
The Matrix of Pain is a book I am happily writing because it will give every individual the fondamental key to reaching true personal fulfillment, whatever thier present challenges in life are at the moment.
Fibromyalgia is a totally curable disease. What has kept millions trapped in the disease and unable to beat it depends on man himself, and not upon the disease.
Today everyone can understand the real key to a healthy body, a sharp mind, true inner peace and satisfaction, fulfilling relationships, living with joy, reaching one’s true potential and creating and accepting to live a truly happy life.
How does a completely curable disease become an incurable odyssey for millions?
The same way most human beings live in pain and accept it, not as a part of life, but as life itself.
By uncovering why people do not heal from Fibromyalgia everyone can now understand the devastating mechanisms which were completely invisible to us until now.
But seeing these meccanisms is not enough. Wanting to correct and eliminate them is the answer.
To Stop World Pain you have to want to start with your own acceptance of suffering, address it, want to stop it and believe in a life without physical and emotional Pain.
Understanding Pain and how individuals are programmed for suffering is the key to finally reaching and accepting a life based on real happiness.
I created a programme and healed from Fibromyalgia in a record six moths but it was my work with others and thier “apparent” resistance to healing from the disease which permitted me to uncover a world of acceptance to suffering in most people not facing any disease or such , a programming for Pain, and in the end, permitted me to find the key to the true path for a profound healing in every individual.
Stop World Pain (watch for the Documentary on my You Tube channel Evelyn Carr)